I couldnt believe what was happening! Oh my god! my wife moaned. His mouth feels so good! I looked down at her with contempt. She just smiled and pulled her panties to the side, exposing her shaved, pink pussy to her new lover. Right away he dove in, licking and sucking he clit, before pushing his tongue up inside her. Fuck that feels good! Danielle exclaimed. His tongue is so long. I can feel him so far inside me. Hes way better than you are. Do you like seeing your wife get her pussy eaten? Ramone placed his hands under her thighs and lifted her legs up into the air, raising her hips off the ground. His face then dropped lower and Danielle went wild. Hes licking my asshole now baby! Fuck does it feel good! Did you do that to Michelle? Oh my God!! I feel so nasty. I can feel his tongue in my ass now! Hes fucking my asshole with his tongue! I certainly was not enjoying my wifes play by play. It was bad enough seeing her with another man, but her constant talking was. She leant her chest into mine, her cool skin and hard nipples against my hot, almost clammy skin. I began to buck against her hand, lifting my hips off the bed as if I was fucking her, but she pressed my hips back down against the mattress and told me to let her make me cum.She pressed her mouth right in front of me and throatily asked if I wanted to feel her wet warm mouth where her hand is as she began to grip my shaft even tighter and really tug at my cock.I didn't even get to complete the sentence "Stroke me faster please" before my cock exploded. The first shot of cum went over both our heads and landed on the wall above the headboard and then she pointed my cock straight up and was giggling in delight and awe as she watch me spurt stream after stream of hot cum.My body teased like a plank, i was grunting like some wild jungle a****l and Mrs B just kept stroking me and letting out yelps of delight and surprise as i continued to ejaculate under her firm and confident.
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